Delivery and Refund Policy

Delivery and Refund Policy for

At Web Converts, we are dedicated to providing exceptional digital marketing services to our valued business clients. We leverage various tactics and platforms, including Facebook ads, Google ads, Instagram ads, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and other strategies, to help your business achieve greater reach and exposure, fostering your company growth. We prioritize client satisfaction and strive for a smooth delivery experience. You can read the following information regarding our delivery and refund policy.


Upon engaging in our services, we will collaborate closely with you to gain a comprehensive understanding of your specific requirements and objectives. Our team of experts will craft a customized digital marketing strategy tailored to your business needs, to ensure optimal results.

Timely Execution: We place emphasis on meeting deadlines and strive to deliver our services within the agreed-upon timeframes.

Transparent Communication: We maintain open lines of communication with our clients, providing regular updates and relevant insights. We value your feedback and encourage active participation throughout the engagement.


The client availing our services is mandated to pay their retainer fee at the beginning of their 30-period days i.e., the first day of every month based on the advertising budget decided. The client is expected to pay the required fee every month until the contract is dismissed even if the campaigning is kept on pause or hold. The customer can terminate the contracted service agreement with a notice in writing of fifteen business days, and they will not be billed for this notice period.

Refund Policy

We do not have a return policy at Web Converts. As a provider of digital marketing services, our success is directly related to the knowledge, experience, and time invested in presenting top-notch services and producing tangible benefits for our clients. We do not accept refund claims due to the nature of our job, since it entails customized tactics and continuing dedication.

Termination of Services:

With fifteen business days’ notice, the customer may end the service agreement. There won’t be a fee for this notice period. However, Web Converts maintains its ability to discontinue the contract at any time although, the services will be provided throughout, till the end of the thirty days

Liability Release:

The customer releases Web Converts from all obligations or claims for damages resulting from its representation on behalf of the client.

Service Disturbances:

Any interruption or delay to provide services brought on by an event or circumstance beyond WebConvert’s practical control, including but not restricted to laws, declarations, rules, and regulations, or platform service outages, shall not subject Web Converts to liability. Either party may end the contract with ten days written notice in the case of a service interruption.

Account suspensions for ads:

Web Converts is not liable if Google or Facebook closes the client’s advertising account, and the customers commit to adhere to this by holding Web Converts harmless in the unfortunate circumstance if such a thing occurs. In this scenario, to enable us to carry out the tasks undertaken under this Agreement, the client is expected to make an effort to reactivate the account or establish a new advertising account, and Web Converts promises to cooperate and help to the best of its abilities.

Free 30-Minute Digital Strategy Session

NOTE : Only apply if you have Rs. 1 lakh Ad Budget Spends per month for Paid Ad Services.

Book Free 30-Minute Digital Strategy Session

NOTE : Only apply if you have Rs. 50K Ad Budget Spends per month for Paid Ad Services.