Change Your SEO Game Now! Google Algorithm Update On Nofollow and New Attributes

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The links with a HTML tag rel=” Nofollow” are presumed as nofollow links. According to the huge transformation, Google Algorithm introduces two new link attributes joining rel=” Nofollow”. As per the change, the newly introduced attributes will be treated as hints and will not be completely ignored like it was till Tuesday, 10th Sept 2019. Google explains that every link contains valuable information that can improve search results. Now, Google may use nofollow to verify the contextual content, which will play an important role in ranking the sites. Nofollow intends to reduce the efficacy of internet advertisement as its search algorithm depends heavily on the number of links.

The two new attributes along with rel=” Nofollow”:

rel=” sponsored”: Google introduced in Google Algorithm this attribute to recognize the links placed on sites with financial benefit. It is created as a part of sponsorships, paid advertising and other similar agreements. 

rel=” UGC”: These attributes help in identifying and recognizing links that appear within the user-generated content. This could be posts, forums, comments.

At the same time, Google also states that there is no need to change the existing attributes. Furthermore, Google also assures that SEOs don’t need to change the way they use “Nofollow” attribute and can continue to post links that imply advertisements and sponsorships. 

The above two attributes along with rel=” Nofollow” will be treated as hints and won’t be ignored as it had been so far. 

It is recommended that from now on, SEOs should consider switching to any one of these attributes.  

Google has answered back to criticism, stating that using the newly introduced attributes is a voluntary choice, which means that it is not mandatory. If anyone chooses to use it, then he can, as it continues to work for sponsored links. 

Earlier, it was ignored; now it’s a Hint

Google said that instead of ignoring the nofollow links in Google Algorithm, they are now going to treat them as hints which will help them to collect the data on individual links. These hints can be used along with other ranking signals. With the introduction of the new hint model, google algorithm update 2023 will have very fewer chances of losing out on a piece of important information. 

Why did the Google Algorithm introduce such a change?

Earlier, Google introduced Nofollow to help the users to add links anywhere by themselves. Now, Google has introduced such a change to appropriately analyse the links better. It will help Google with link calculations. Before the change, “Nofollow” did not influence the search engine rankings of the destination URL, but after the change, Google will start treating “Nofollow” as a hint for ranking purposes. As mentioned earlier, Google doesn’t impose the change on any individual. Google says that there is no need to use new attributes. However, this change can impact content marketing, link spam, and link building. 

Difference between a Do-follow and Nofollow

Do-Follow links allow both the search engine and the users to reach the site. It passes the link juice and helps the page rank higher. The Nofollow links allow only the users to follow the link and not the search engines. It doesn’t pass the link juice and the page rank. i observe that Nofollow is mainly used for advertising, blog comments, and user-generated content. Search engines want you to Nofollow links that can be easily manipulated, stopping those sites from unfairly ranking higher. On the other hand, you want to dofollow a reputable link. 

What is Google’s Algorithm Aiming for? 

In March 2020, Nofollow, along with the other two newly introduced attributes, will be considered as a ranking factor IN Google. It would stop those people who would nofollow links to their unimportant pages to allow for their maximum transference of page rank to their money pages. After introducing the change, Google expects that spammers will get no benefit from abusing public areas. 

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